every semester this person will eventually pop up...
every person will wait for him...even though they don't actually like him much...
i've wonder what he will say about me this semester...hmmm nervous...
as ive waited for him 2 come, i've try to prepare my self, like everyone else...
the problem is whether i prepare enough??? whether he likes me or not?
hmmm i guess every bee has a problem in finding the perfect flower...
FYI this person is sometime to cruel in questioning us...
what a life...
guess we have to try harder each time... there is no room for disapointment....
haha...(laughing in a very miserable ways)
BTW 'HE' im talking about is FINAL examination...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
People ARE Changing
Hiya friends!!!
Long time no see.Todays topic is about friends or friendship.At first place, i do not belief that people can change.When it happen to myself, i understand that people do change, but not suddenly. People that go through certain phase of life will naturely change in respect to the knowledge and experience gain. Different from friendship, for me even though friendship involve people but in friendship rules, friend don't change, friend don't forget their friends and friend help each other. I don't understand that people/friends cannot tolerate to each other characteristic, because of this different characteristic it make every friends worth a gold, perhaps worth even more.
-Yes, it is correct that years cannot determine how much a friend love, but old friend is still a friend that once upon a time heard your problem, be with you when you cry, and always be there to advice you on things that messed your head even though some of their advice is bad or ridicules, but still they do their best to help you.So, why must friend change when they look at their 'old' friend changers. They tend to criticize and find new friend. A good friend tell secret to each other so that it make them even closer. What happen to the good memories that friends share? it suddenly lost somewhere in your head??? or you just drop it somewhere??? Friends, friendship is one important thing that make the world move and harmony. Even though you realize that there is a lot of changes in your friend, they still your friend. If you said they change, see yourself whether you are changing or not? As my article said people do change and YOU??? ask yourself a question and you the only one who know the answer.
**b/g friend = boyfriend/girlfriend
-Do you forget your friend once you found someone else? It does't matter you found new friend or new b/g friend. It is a cruel thing to do. As before you met those people, who is the one that stand beside you? but the most undigestable things to do is left your 'old' friend because of you are having a new b/g friend. Did your boyfriend know about your dark side? people do say 'i tell every single thingS to my b/g friend' but do they really mean it? every relationship build will have secret, thats make them tolerate to each other mistake. Different from friend, they know about your secret (even the darkest secret that you tell them when you're angry) but do they tell to their other friend because of revenge you left them? Some of them just digest it and pretend that they did't hear anything. They scared if they say something or advice, it will leave a scare. But do you really think about this? That you care is having a romance time with your b/g friend just like your b/g friend will die the next day. Friends think about this, just having a single meal or hang out (without b/g friend) with your friend per week would satisfy them. By doing this thing did your b/g friend left you? no right? so why must you spent with your b/g friend all your time?
- When you REALLY need help, who is the one that help you? b/g friend? new friend? if the answer is yes, think again, did they 'REALLY' help you?
if the answer is still yes so you can leave with them, so go and have your life just with them, because people like you never think what people think about you. Your life is about using your friend for benefit.
if the answer is no, thats mean you still remember your friend even though not completely remember. But still there is certain element in you that is beautiful.
Friend help friend without condition, no debt, no regards. Help in any way they can even sometime you see them like they don't care, but inside they try their heart out to figure out the best way to solve your problem.
so, for the conclusion under friendship act, you need your friend whether they are new or old. They change or not. They pretty or not. They rich or not. If you think by being friend with people that far lower than you in every way, they are degrading you, think again, did your friend think the same?
If after reading my article you think that I'M wrong, so ask others. Some day, somehow, you will need your friend help, and when that time arrive you will be the most humiliated person on earth and you will feels that your friend that you left out are laughing at you. Trust me. You friend is still people not robot. and PEOPLE DO CHANGE!
Thats all.toodaloo
Long time no see.Todays topic is about friends or friendship.At first place, i do not belief that people can change.When it happen to myself, i understand that people do change, but not suddenly. People that go through certain phase of life will naturely change in respect to the knowledge and experience gain. Different from friendship, for me even though friendship involve people but in friendship rules, friend don't change, friend don't forget their friends and friend help each other. I don't understand that people/friends cannot tolerate to each other characteristic, because of this different characteristic it make every friends worth a gold, perhaps worth even more.
-Yes, it is correct that years cannot determine how much a friend love, but old friend is still a friend that once upon a time heard your problem, be with you when you cry, and always be there to advice you on things that messed your head even though some of their advice is bad or ridicules, but still they do their best to help you.So, why must friend change when they look at their 'old' friend changers. They tend to criticize and find new friend. A good friend tell secret to each other so that it make them even closer. What happen to the good memories that friends share? it suddenly lost somewhere in your head??? or you just drop it somewhere??? Friends, friendship is one important thing that make the world move and harmony. Even though you realize that there is a lot of changes in your friend, they still your friend. If you said they change, see yourself whether you are changing or not? As my article said people do change and YOU??? ask yourself a question and you the only one who know the answer.
**b/g friend = boyfriend/girlfriend
-Do you forget your friend once you found someone else? It does't matter you found new friend or new b/g friend. It is a cruel thing to do. As before you met those people, who is the one that stand beside you? but the most undigestable things to do is left your 'old' friend because of you are having a new b/g friend. Did your boyfriend know about your dark side? people do say 'i tell every single thingS to my b/g friend' but do they really mean it? every relationship build will have secret, thats make them tolerate to each other mistake. Different from friend, they know about your secret (even the darkest secret that you tell them when you're angry) but do they tell to their other friend because of revenge you left them? Some of them just digest it and pretend that they did't hear anything. They scared if they say something or advice, it will leave a scare. But do you really think about this? That you care is having a romance time with your b/g friend just like your b/g friend will die the next day. Friends think about this, just having a single meal or hang out (without b/g friend) with your friend per week would satisfy them. By doing this thing did your b/g friend left you? no right? so why must you spent with your b/g friend all your time?
- When you REALLY need help, who is the one that help you? b/g friend? new friend? if the answer is yes, think again, did they 'REALLY' help you?
if the answer is still yes so you can leave with them, so go and have your life just with them, because people like you never think what people think about you. Your life is about using your friend for benefit.
if the answer is no, thats mean you still remember your friend even though not completely remember. But still there is certain element in you that is beautiful.
Friend help friend without condition, no debt, no regards. Help in any way they can even sometime you see them like they don't care, but inside they try their heart out to figure out the best way to solve your problem.
so, for the conclusion under friendship act, you need your friend whether they are new or old. They change or not. They pretty or not. They rich or not. If you think by being friend with people that far lower than you in every way, they are degrading you, think again, did your friend think the same?
If after reading my article you think that I'M wrong, so ask others. Some day, somehow, you will need your friend help, and when that time arrive you will be the most humiliated person on earth and you will feels that your friend that you left out are laughing at you. Trust me. You friend is still people not robot. and PEOPLE DO CHANGE!
Thats all.toodaloo
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
me and my niece
huhu this is my niece...she is so cute rite???
im so thrill to meet her this Friday.
Actually my dad forbidden me to go back but because im so stubborn...'SALSABILA ur aunt is coming home!!!'
by the way she is my sister first daughter and my sister is the first daughter of my family. All of us is waiting for her. Today is the big day, when she born its like she bring joy and love to our family.
I hope she will be bless with love and everything that we can give.
SAL i LOVE u.....
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Voting season...and who is affacted by it....
Every voter's seeker try to be different, Look at this one, he put up his picture at 2006, that time he weighted about 120kg, then he put his latest picture on the other side that look all greasy and slim. The point is they have what its got to be a leader, not only him but every single one of them.I can understand the craziness and adrenalin rushing for them and their army of followers, but crazy voters???i just can't understand.Look at all the picture above...hmmmm
At her bed....
On top of her head....
and even under her pillow....OMG
This craziness continue......
Inside and outside her LOCKER.....
You are a lucky man...to have such a fanatic fan.
Wow even on her study table.I think he give her inspiration & determination
This is my favorite of all time....His poster even on her chair!!!!!
As you all see the picture, what do you think??? What can we do to such a fanatic fan??? A candlelight dinner perhaps...Lets us open our mind and open our hand to this kind of person. They need attention and love from all of us...Please HELP THE NEEDY....
(wahaha this incident happen because of revenge, me, ayien and asma(helping) were revenge on what she do to our mirror inside our locker without our consent....
you can feel the determination of us to take revenge upon her action??? We can actually be sued because of sabotage the election!!! Fuhh luckly nothing happen...huhu by the way here is some notes for my beloved friend who did this, BELLA.
"You mess with the wrong person!!! We're MGs....
We stick together and we never failed!!!!
As our class rep said, NO OFFENSE ok.....
Thats all.Toodaloo
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
me & my little cazen
This is my cousin. Eventhough the title is me & my cousin, but i still don't have the opportunity to take picture with her.(my face look awful and not so pretty when i'm with her(ONLY HER))
Now,the story begin, Her name is Nasrin (I forgot her full name (T_T) ) she is 5 month and looking gorgeous, she is first daughter of my uncle Zubir and Untie. My uncle which i call pak long is the first son of my forth grandmother on my mother side...haha complicated right??? That is my family. So practically, she is my grandfather 20th granddaughter if i'm not mistake. FYI i'm the 7th grandchildren on both side of my parent.IT'S A MIRACLE!!! huhu
She is very cute and cute and cute. The first time i met her, she was so sweet and she love to sleep...She can sleep wherever she want even on my laps. Did she adorable? Now, she loves to 'hangout' with my mom, weird... She loves 1 of my favorites teddy, Mighty moomu. Down there is the picture of my beloved moomu. 
He looks all mighty right??? hee when she see moomu she will laugh non stop, wait until i touch moomu horn to his cheek. All my neighbor can hear her voice.She always cheer me up when i come back from work (part-timer during semester break), she has what i call, heavenly smile that can relief you from tension and make you forget all the problems you face.
huhu i know you miss her already...
thats all.Toodaloo
Sunday, January 24, 2010
boring Sunday
hye guys... hmm so its early in the morning, so actually i don't have much to say about. Let see what did i do since i wake up. I woke up at 8. Do some exercise (on my bed (-_-) hehe) then at 9 i take my bath...wahh refreshing!!! then ayien(not her real name) send me a massage that sound like this 'Cpt2 mnd..mknan da pnggl i nie..arghh..lapa' so i go down the block with her...i buy nasi lemak with chicken and sotong...nyam2. then i take about 1 and a half hour to finish my food then here i am...posting...hehe interesting??? Thats is my sunday morning....
thats all.Toodaloo
thats all.Toodaloo
Saturday, January 23, 2010
me n my borink saturday...
hye...sorry i didn't post anything yesterday...quite busy. I have 2, classes than right after class end i sent my friend to a bus station.by the time i reach home, im totally exhausted, so no post for yesterday...hehe
today is Saturday nite. The most boring nite ever since i stay in melaka. No boyfriend and no friend. 2 of my friend go for dating, 1 at her hometown and the other one had a stomachache. So im starving right now!!! Help me!!! i want FOOD!!! let's flash back, what did i actually do all day long. Yesterday im doing some laundry so today i must put all my shirt into a cupboard which i call march box!! It is to small!!! I wake up at 8, bath then take my breakfast and ironing all my cloth!!! 12 bju kurung, 6 kemeja, and a few so called dress. Then i watch movie the whole day....hmmm now at 10 pm im posting...then maybe zzzzzzz...huhu
im so tired because of doing nothing at all....
thats all.Toodaloo
today is Saturday nite. The most boring nite ever since i stay in melaka. No boyfriend and no friend. 2 of my friend go for dating, 1 at her hometown and the other one had a stomachache. So im starving right now!!! Help me!!! i want FOOD!!! let's flash back, what did i actually do all day long. Yesterday im doing some laundry so today i must put all my shirt into a cupboard which i call march box!! It is to small!!! I wake up at 8, bath then take my breakfast and ironing all my cloth!!! 12 bju kurung, 6 kemeja, and a few so called dress. Then i watch movie the whole day....hmmm now at 10 pm im posting...then maybe zzzzzzz...huhu
im so tired because of doing nothing at all....
thats all.Toodaloo
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